This meta-data file format describes how the data is stored and gives information to your computer so that it can load the necessary libraries to display the file in. 元数据文件格式说明数据如何被存储、以及如何为您计算机提供信息,使计算机下载所需库来显示文件。
You can display this delta file directly or use XSL; you can process the delta file with other XML tools. 您可以直接或者使用XSL显示这个delta文件;您可以利用其他XML工具处理delta文件。
The command list completes and you display the file we created. 在命令列表运行完成之后将显示我们创建的文件。
If you hexdump and display the file manually on a Linux terminal, it will look something like this 如果您使用hexdump工具在Linux终端上手工显示文件,那么它看起来如下所示
How do I display mounted file systems? 如何显示已安装的文件系统?
The article illustrates the combination of JAX-RS and Dojo by creating a sample service to display file system information. 本文主要通过创建一个简单的示例服务来显示文件信息系统,介绍JAX-RS和Dojo的结合。
With this information, the tiny cloud can display the file name with a hyperlink or as plain text without a link. 通过这一信息,微型云可以显示文件名并伴随一个超链接,或者显示为不包含链接的普通文本。
, or standard error, depending on how the output is redirected ( for example, to the user's display, a file, a printer). (即标准错误),具体取决于输出重定向的方式(例如,重定向到用户的显示器、文件或打印机)。
File version information-use this application to obtain and display file version information, such as company name and product version. 使用这个应用程序可获得和显示文件的版本信息,例如公司名称和产品版本。
The icon to display for the file type. 图标显示的文件类型。
Design and realization of progress display on large file upload package 进度显示的大文件上传组件的设计与实现
Select whether you want to display a file, folder, or web page in the content viewer web part. 选择是否要在“内容查看器web部件”中显示文件、文件夹或网页。
Use this command to display a text file to the screen. 使用此命令可在屏幕上显示文本文件。
Q does not display file names while copying. 拷贝过程不显示文件名。
In each window, you can run a different program or display a different file. 每个窗口中,可以分别运行一个不同的程序或显示不同的文件。
Explains how to specify and display a help file for your component at run time. 解释如何在运行时为组件指定和显示帮助文件。
Display file handler support 显示文件处理程序支援系统
If you chose to have access open the file after publishing, the appropriate program will start and display the file. 如果您选择让access在发布后打开该文件,则相应的程序会启动并显示文件。
Block file downloads that navigate to a resource, that display a file download dialog box, or that are not initiated explicitly by a user action ( for example, a mouse click or key press). 块文件下载,浏览到资源,这显示文件下载对话框,或者说是不是由用户明确的行动(例如,鼠标单击或按键)。
A field in a display file that is used for both output and input operations. 显示文件中的一种字段,用于输出和输入操作。
Point to the location on the form where you want to display your file, and click once to place the control on the form. 指向窗体上要显示文件的位置,单击一次以将控件放置在窗体上。
Choose new or open to display a code file. 选择“新建”或“打开”以显示代码文件。
In the file name text box, type the name of the source database or click Browse to display the file open dialog box. 在“文件名”文本框中,键入源数据库的名称,或单击“浏览”显示“文件打开”对话框。
Through the analysis on the motion relationships among the links in a loader working device, we have compiled a dynamic analog display file for the working device in a loader, which provides scientific basis for the adjustment of links in a working device. 通过对装载机工作装置各杆件间运动的分析,编写了一套装载机工作装置动态模拟显示软件,为工作装置杆件调整提供了依据。
Based on the architecture of PACS, design the architecture and the modules of the gateway system. The gateway is composed of three modules, which are file conversion, ECG display and file transfer. 接着,通过分析PACS系统构架,设计了合理的网关系统结构,划分了系统的三个功能模块:文件转换模块、心电显示模块、文件传输模块;
In order to display the file contents, EDT must be called and executed, so the file processing is slow and inefficient. 倘要显示文件内容,需调用EDT,处理速度慢。
The advantage of this programming method is to separate display content from display arithmetic. The display content is achieved by PC and transformed to display file that is based on XML and saved in ROM of SCM. 这种方法把显示内容和显示算法分开,由PC绘制显示内容并转换成基于XML标准的文件存储到单片机的ROM中,而显示算法只需根据显示文件的格式进行判断调用相应的函数。
This paper discusses the principle and method to display PCX file in Visual C++ environment. It also provides some programs and analysis. 本文介绍了Visualc++环境下编制显示PCX文件的原理及方法步骤,并给出了部分具体的程序实例及分析。
The software is the specific program that is developed with C++ language on our own. The following function modules are included: data sampling, signal analysis and processing, waveform display, file store, etc. 软件部分为采用C++语言自行开发的专用程序,包括以下功能模块:数据采集、信号分析与处理、波形显示、文件存储等。
A Study on Display AVI File with Visual C++ 6.0 Visualc++6.0显示AVI文件的研究